Book 2 Free for a Limited Time!

New Book Release

The next book in the Not-So-Secret Secret Series is now ready for you to download.

Explore timeless motivation advice from philosophers, psychologists, and self-help gurus.

With over 250 quotes, this book looks at universal truths about motivation that are repeated throughout the ages. Many of the “new” motivational techniques have roots in powerful ideas that have persisted for centuries.

Get started on the road to motivation… grab a copy of this groundbreaking book today!

New Book Coming – December 31 !

Secrets of Motivation

Get ready! The 2nd book in the Not-So-Secret series will be released very soon now. Not-So-Secret Secrets of Motivation offers unique insight into the minds of noted philosophers, psychologists, and self-help authors.

Be sure to sign up for the newsletter to be notified when it launches. Don’t miss the launch, this book will be free for the first day or two. (When you sign up you also get access to a quick quiz to test your knowledge of quotations).